Karsakiškis Strazdelio Basic school

Karsakiškis Strazdelio Basic school is in a small old town of Karsakiskis. It located in the center of village Panevėžys region which is situated in the north of Lithuania. There are also two pre-school education groups and one pre-primary education group. Local children aged 7 to 17 attend the school and aged 2 to 6 in the kindergarten.  Karsakiškis is surrounded by natural environment. School organizes environmental activities such as clean-up and beautify the forest, household waste and e-waste collections, nature-based lessons, planting trees, etc.; participates in the recycling projects of the community, encourages pupils to cycle or walk to school. School cooperates with social partners, such as the social worker of the local council, health care specialists. Various regional and state projects on healthy of lifestyle are being carried on. Our pupils take part in conferences where they express and discus their attitude towards healthy lifestyle such as eating habits, diets, health conscious and etc.
