Project’s Video

Cleaning and monitoring of the Febros river


Which extraterrestrial inhabits that Planet?

Environment walk

Let’s all recycle for Environment Caring!

Global action days 2018

Vegetable garden bio at school – activities, recourse and formation

The students of the 7ºC created the logo for the project, in the classes of Visual Education.

When “waste” turns into beautiful pieces and contributes to reduce the ecological footprint

The Contribution of Children in the Preservation of the Planet – Earth Day


Sustainable Christmas

Erasmus a tutte le età


Visita a Villa Bagatta sul lago di Garda all’impianto prototipo per gli “Scaricatori di piena” d’Europa_ Progetto Intcatch Horizon 2020

Videos produced by 9th grade students in English classes on the theme “Preserve the Planet”, integrated in the celebration of Earth Day 2019, at school.


Earth day 2019 at kindergarten